Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Back Home Again

I'm back
. As I sit here in my mountain house living room, in my recliner with Lexie sleeping in her bed on the sofa, I see a herd of deer running down the ridge. Usually they meander slowly eating along the way. My bird feeders are filled and in no time my birds were back. Tomorrow I will fill the hummingbird feeders. 

Gay and Stu moved me back into my house using two cars to pack and haul everything. What a blessing those two people are to me. Lexie loves them so much she cried when they drove away today. She has never done that before. Dogs know who is good, kind and loving. She will miss both Gay and Stu. 

The trees are just budding out with so many spring colors and the dogwoods all over my property are in full bloom. Down in Roswell GA where I spent the last six months, so many trees and flowers are in full bloom. Roswell is a very pretty town and well-cared for. I learned to really like living there, but it is a very expensive place to live. Groceries are extremely high and the Publix stores seem to only carry the most expensive products. 

A brief visit to our local Ingles here cost me less than one hundred dollars. I never left Publix for less than 100 dollars. City life has much to offer and I see why folks like to live there. So many good restaurants, theaters, parks including dog parks which we don't have. Lexie loves the dog park in Woodstock, a large place for small dogs and another large place for the big dogs. She pays no attention to other dogs, but visits all the people sitting on benches. If I miss her and look around I find her on someone's lap. Once I heard a total stranger call out, "Oh, look. There's Lexie!"

When I left here to go to live at my sister and BIL's house, I was in a sorry state of health, both mental and physical. Caught up in a medical nightmare after being told I had a serious heart problem, I was convinced I had to move to be near my family and have someone care for me. 

After six months of worry and tests, I was finally told I did have a problem, but not serious enough to have the surgery that I had been told would solve it. So I had the knee replacement I had been needing for some time and now I walk without a limp and have no pain in my knee. Thanks to the best caregiver in the world, the doctor says my recovery from the surgery has been extremely good.

It was tempting to stay in my nice little apartment where I felt so safe and secure. Gay and Stu said I am welcome to come and stay when and as long as I want. I enjoyed going out to eat with them and going to the movies with them. Having long lunches with Gay and my niece, Lee, were so much fun. Having Dave, Lee's husband, willing to come over and help me assemble shelves, put up hooks and offer to help me any time I needed him, was wonderful. 

Well, the deer, so much the color of the leaves on the ground, are slowly moving back up the ridge now. I think they come down to get water and then mosey up the mountain again. Although a herd traveled through the wooded yard in Roswell, it was usually at night. Lexie went out and barked at them, but I seldom saw them.

One of the lovely animals is close to my house now. I hope they don't come and eat my Hosta like they did last year. My flowers and plants are bursting out with greenery. 

I am bursting with love for my family and friends. I look forward to seeing my writer friends soon now that I am back. I will be posting on this blog more than in recent months. I love my blog readers who live in distant countries as well as distant states in the USA. I will be visiting your sites more in the coming weeks.
With Easter approaching, my memories of my family, my church friends of the past, and all that is good in my life come to me in quiet times, those times when I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my wonderful life.  

Stu and Gay Moring

Thank you all for reading my thoughts today and for sharing your thoughts with me.
If you can't comment on this blog, please email me. glendabeall@msn.com  
I love to hear from you.


  1. I am very glad to read that you are home - in much better physical and mental health than when you left. Look after yourself. You matter.

  2. Welcome back to your home but it sounds like you have two homes now. I am so glad to hear you healed so well and that the heart issue wasn’t what had been discussed initially. May you have a great spring there, Glenda!

  3. Thank you, EC. Glenda

  4. Thank you, Marie. Yes. I do have two homes now. I plan to spend the holidays in the fall and winter in Roswell.

  5. I'm so glad you are back home, Glenda. It's such a blessing to see the deer, the dogwoods in bloom, the mountains breaking forth with greenery, what a lovely spring! Hope to see you soon.


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