We all seem to be frightened and uncertain these days. We live in a culture that has to blame someone for everything that happens. When we feel threatened and afraid, we don't behave normally.
Years ago someone invented the term, Fight or Flight, and it seems so many people are doing just that. The stress we are dealing with now often makes us want to fight, call others bad names, criticize anyone we don't agree with, even lie about others to prove a point.
This stress, fear and uncertainty is dividing families, bringing out the worst in us. Even my dearest friends who are good, caring and loving people use phrases like I hate him and I have felt myself so angry I am sure my blood pressure rises. When we get upset with things we can't do one thing about, it depresses us.
Since election day here in the United States, I have withdrawn from the real world as much as possible. I am sick of the name calling, the mean-spirited nature presented on TV.
Brene' Brown says our media frightens us with all the news we see and hear. I know that is true. If the story is upsetting, it draws more viewers. If the media can bring forth a villain that unifies their viewers and brings out the worst in them, advertisers pour in money for ads on that network. In America, the bottom line is most important. Already I see the villains will be Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Just today I heard someone say horrible things about Harris. The same thing always happens when a woman manages to get ahead in this world. They don't want to give her the respect she has earned.
Look what has happened to our world since FOX News and CNN openly took opposite political sides. Each feeds hate, fear and suspicion about leaders in the other party. Whether the opinions spoken are true or not, the viewers now expect to learn all they need to know from those on their preferred Cable News. If anyone is negative about the other party, tells some conspiracy tale, the viewer falls for it.
I heard a learned man on a podcast say we are in need of something other than the status quo which he says is not working. I assume he is speaking of our government in the United States which seems to influence people around the globe. Lots of ideas flow forth from the young, the rich, the middle class, men and women, marginalized groups and senior adults like me. In order to express these different ideas and solutions for a world that seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, we see protests and rebellions against those in power. Is it time to have multi parties in this country? Would that work?
I am being very quiet and staying home. I have to make changes in my life that I can live with and, hopefully, thrive with. It means I must put my health, both mental and physical, ahead of everything else and everyone else.
Being a person who has always helped those who need me, I will now only concern myself with my needs so I can thrive in the difficulties I presently face.
I hope 2021 will be a different world than we have today.
I know we must continue to follow guidelines for COVID-19 and I am getting used to that. I hope we will have a vaccine that we can feel is safe. I hope all people will understand what is needed to bring this virus under control and will follow those rules to do that. Sadly, today I saw a woman at the drug store who was not wearing a mask, give me an angry look which I assume was because I was wearing a mask.
I heard that a new church opened here and already seventeen people who attended there have tested positive for the virus. The man who opened this church seems to think God will not let people get sick in church!! I heard this from someone and can't be positive this is true, but I do know the new church opened just recently down the road from where I live.
I read this non-partisan article today. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-hatred-negative-partisanship-came-to-dominate-american-politics/
I think this writer is on course with what has happened and why we should be concerned about political parties and how politics has polarized our entire country. This negative partisanship can destroy our democracy if we don't wake up and make changes.
My readers, I hope you are doing well and enjoying life in spite of the present conditions. I tell myself every day that I have so much for which to be thankful. My heart goes out to those who have lost jobs and who can't pay their rent or pay doctor bills. I worry about young college graduates who can't find jobs now and have to depend on their parents to support them. Their hopes and dreams have been dashed as they planned to start their journey to independence. Next year will see a better future for all of us, I know, and that is what gives me hope.
As for now, we have the best weather here in the mountains of NC and my trees have turned red and yellow. I sit on my deck and soak up the autumn sounds, smells and sights. My doors and windows are open to welcome the slight breezes and cool air. I welcome the dryer air which is better for my breathing than high humidity.
Tomorrow will be a better day and I will feel happier about my life, I'm sure. I have made plans for January doing something I enjoy. I hope you are enjoying life in your world and that we can share with each other on social media, on blogs, or by email. You are very important to me.