Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Pat Zink is a new Cherokee County Representative for NCWN West

"Reviser – Look at this word. Break it down. The prefix “re” means again. The rest of the word comes from the Latin “visio,” meaning vision or seeing. Revision in writing means to “see again.” It doesn’t necessarily mean putting in a comma or spelling a word correctly. It means to look at your writing with fresh eyes. Rarely do we write something one time and publish it without this step. It’s important to get over the concept that what we’ve laid down on paper is written in stone."

The quote above is from P.C. Zink's website.

I recommend her book on writing which you can find here.

Pat Zink writes under the pseudonym of PC Zink, and she has published many books in various genres.

Pat is now a county rep for NCWN-West. Although she lives in the winter months in Tallahassee, FL, she also has an address in Cherokee County, NC. Many of our mountain residents spend the cold months in Florida and the warmer months here in the southern Appalachians.

Pat is so comfortable and happy here, she has written a series of books set in this region. The setting is a very important character in fiction and in creative nonfiction. Pat writes about Florida and other places in her novels. To me, the setting is important to the tone and the time frame of a book. Pat does a good job with that. I hope you will visit Pat's online sites and perhaps you will fall in love with her writing.

If you have read her books, tell us what you like about them.


  1. Ordered The Author's Journey, on your recommendation, a while back. Can't recall why, but after reading only a few pages something happened and I put it aside and forgot about it. I was interested in what little I read and pleased that I'd ordered it. Glad to now have this reminder. Perhaps it will provide the 'nudge' I've been needing to write again.

    Pat D

  2. Thanks, Pat for stopping in and leaving a comment. So glad you were reminded of Pat Zink's book. It is a gem to have on your writing bookshelf.


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