Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Facecovering in 2021?

Christmas is over and now we face a new year.
While we still face uncertainty, we have hope that all will be better in the coming months.

My word this year is Adapt.
I must adapt to many changes in my life and in the country. I am not good with changes, especially those that affect my daily life. It seems everything is changing from what we knew a year ago.

Even with the vaccine available now, we will not want to gather in large groups or in any groups with people who are not part of our Pod or bubble.  I have self-isolated for all these months and hoped to get out with friends and go to restaurants again. But that will not be happening here in the United States - not in my world. Certainly not soon. 

Some ignorant people who do not care about protecting others will continue to act like the pandemic ended with 2020, but I don't have that luxury. I don't think anyone should ignore the CDC guidelines that will help end this virus that has disrupted our lives in every way.

In a great news magazine, The Week, I read this: 
In a salon in Missouri, two hairstylists, unknowingly worked a week with COVID, but wore masks as did their 139 clients. No clients developed signs of the virus. All 69 of the clients who volunteered to be tested received negative results.

Kansas counties that mandated wearing masks, saw the cases of COVID drop six percent in six weeks. Counties that did not mandate wearing a mask saw their cases double.

One day this past week, my sister and I decided to go to a restaurant at 2:30 PM for a quick lunch. We were out running errands and felt that it was safe to go in. The restaurant was large and few people were there. The staff wore masks and the tables were distanced so we would not have to sit near anyone.

I was disappointed when we lined up to order. Three middle-aged men were ahead of us. They wore no masks. We waited until they had completed their orders and moved away. I did not feel really safe since they had polluted the air where we had to stand to order.  I was really angry when one of the men came back, stepped in front of us, and talked with the server behind the counter, still with no face covering. 

The cloth masks I wear do not protect me from those who don't wear a mask.
I only feel safe when in the company of caring people who wear a face covering.  I wanted to tell the intruding man to get away from me because he might be spewing virus into space where I stood.

My doctor said I should assume everyone I meet has COVID.

We found a table far removed from others and enjoyed our lunch, but I can't understand anyone who will not wear a face covering when out in public. As we left the restaurant, we passed several young women who did not wear masks. It seems there is an age group that refuses to try to protect others. At Office Max I stopped in to quickly make a copy. The woman who came in behind me wore a mask, but took it off once she was in the store. In Georgia, no one is told to wear face coverings. The government says for people to use their own good judgment! When has that ever worked?

I so appreciate the people I see wearing masks. I think those people are also following other methods to protect anyone they meet. 

Hopefully we will be more caring and want to protect others. If we all followed that guideline, we could beat this virus much sooner. Don't we all want that?

People in my Pod, Gay and Stu wear masks when they go out even to an outdoor restaurant


  1. Our cases in my city are very, very low - no confirmed cases in several months. Masks are rare now - but I would go back to wearing them in a heart beat if/when circumstances change. Part of the reason that cases are low now is mandated action when circumtances warrant it. Sydney (our biggest city) recorded seven new cases today - and masks are now mandatory. Traveling in and out of the city is severely restricted and most will have to quarantine for fourteen days before they can enter another state.
    I saw on someone's blog a photograph of a man (maskless) holding a sign saying 'Selfish - and proud of it'. And shuddered.
    Stay as safe as you can, and stay well.

  2. I agree with you. Mask wearing makes it possible to exist in the outside world, though I, too, am nervous when I am out and about, shopping for the essentials.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Here in Washington State, even on the trails outside everyone is wearing masks. I do see some people, mostly young, who don't, but they are far and few between. Everyone is mandated to wear a mask inside, and I see very few people who don't. I will be so glad when this is all behind us!

  4. EC, that Selfish man is what I think of when I see people in public without a mask. In Georgia this week the death rate was 35 people a day. We happen to live in a very small county in NC, and the death rate is much lower than most, but still, I believe we should all wear masks and social distance to protect each other. Some people I know say they refuse to live as I do. A woman told me she is 78 years old and will live her life as she pleases. She goes to church where they don't practice social distance and few wear masks. That makes me think of the Selfish man who is proud of it.

  5. Thank you, Marie.
    I am adapting to the changes that will protect me and others. I just hope I can adapt to those people out there who scoff at me and others. Happy New Year to you.

  6. "Everyone is mandated to wear a mask inside, and I see very few people who don't" I wish we had government mandates in my region including north Georgia which is only 8 miles away.
    Our medical facilities and most restaurants in North Carolina have signs on the doors that you must wear a mask. My local grocery store follows these guidelines and I am proud of the people in Clay County, NC who mask up before going inside.

    My goals are to find ways to be with friends and still be safe. I am sure I can do that.

  7. We must continue to stay safe. The Covid pandemic isn't over yet, but we need to wear our masks, keep social distance, wash our hands, and take the vaccine whenever we feel one is available that will not give adverse reactions.

    I hope you will have a very happy New Year. I have the hope this year will be better.

  8. Brenda Kay, thanks for your good wishes. With the virus affecting so many in the local care center, I am afraid we might have more community spread. Stay safe and I wish for you a much brighter and better 2021.


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