Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Friday, May 1, 2020

It is just too much sometimes.

For two months I have lived in my house with my little Lexie, self-quarantined, and thought I was fine. After all, I have lived here alone since my husband died ten years ago. What difference would I find?

Well, the first thing I found was missing my household help. I hired women who are responsible and dependable, and they do the difficult things that had become too hard for me. But since I am not having anyone come into my house during this crisis, they had to stay away. The result is a constantly messy kitchen, bathrooms that need cleaning and floors that need to be swept.

In desperation I ordered a Robot vacuum cleaner. The commercial looks great. Just what I need, I thought. But nothing works as well in my house as it does on TV. First, I need to get things off the floor so the robot can clean. It doesn't like my mats in the kitchen and will not climb upon the large mat in the hallway. It goes after the dog bowl and pushes it away and off its mat.

It has a neat feature. It will dock itself and shut off. The only problem is I have to chase it down and try to push the dock button while the robot is still moving. Perhaps a more expensive model has a remote control. That is the only thing that I think would make it work well. It picks up the dust and dog hair. It goes under my sofa and gets the dust bunnies that I seldom reach.

My  other complaint about being here alone with no help is the trash. How on earth can one person create three bags of garbage in one week? I have to drag the big black bags out to my car, load them in and drive down to the lower level of my yard where my outdoor garbage cans live. Today I had to visit a doctor so I managed to get the large bag into the car and dropped it off in the can on my way to my appointment. 

It has been a stormy, rainy day here all day long. But this afternoon late, the temps warmed a bit and the rain slowed down. I walked out on my upper deck and looked down at the garbage cans. What?? I had left the top off the large can after I deposited the bags. Now the can with the bags was full of water. What should I do? Since I was told by my chiropractor to take it easy and not do anything to hurt my back again, I was afraid to try to pour the water out of the can. I just put the top back on and walked away. "Tomorrow is another day."

I hope I can find some help for that job because the heavy can is too much for me to try to turn over and drain it. 

So, living alone with no one to help out with the chores is a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. To make matters worse, one of my helpers has a bad abscessed tooth and is on strong medicine. The other helper broke her foot and is in one of those large boots. I can't call on them.

Today when my sister called, I was having a little pity party for myself. I realized how much I needed her -- to talk to and to be with. My mental health has been affected. I feel alone and so helpless. With the back trouble ongoing now, the pain drains my energy, and I get sad. 

However, I think I talked Gay into coming to see me and helping me with a few things. Most of all, I just need to see her, to laugh with her and feel her sisterly love for me.


  1. I am very glad that Gay is coming to see you. Sometimes family love and laughter is essential.
    Take care.

  2. I know it sounds like a joke, but you know the old adage, "when it rains it pours." Definitely true for you and that garbage can!

  3. E.C. Yes, Gay and her husband, Stu, are coming to see me this weekend. They have been self-quarantined also and are careful so I feel safe with them coming. I am already feeling better and planning things we can do together to help us forget the pandemic for awhile.
    Family love, indeed, is essential.

  4. DJan, thanks for the smile. Indeed when it rains it pours lately. I just wish it had not poured into my large garbage can. But, that will all be taken care of and I feel much better today. Thanks for reading my venting and for leaving your comment.

  5. Glenda, I have the same problem you do with no housekeeping services. The agency I use has suspended all such services until further notice. However, our governor has proclaimed that businesses that provide personal care such as hair and nail salons can open as long as they follow health guidelines. So, may be I'll be able to get help at home soon. Meanwhile, with just me in the house and no pets, I don't think it's that dirty. So' I'm not desperate enough to order one of those robot vacuum cleaners. My mother would turn over in her grave if she were in one, but I'm not going to worry about that now. I hope you and your sister can have a nice visit.

  6. Abbie, I hope you can get your housekeeping service soon. My sister and her husband came and really helped me with many things I needed. I like this little robo vacuum. With my back problems using a regular vacuum cleaner is bad for me. Good luck and stay safe.


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