Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Monday, October 16, 2023

What Possessions do you have that have made memories?

There is no point in having a possession just for the sake of having it. When you’re dead no one will care about your bragging rights for the things you owned. What will bring your loved ones comfort at your death is the memories you shared with them. If those memories were created because of one of your possessions then that was a good investment.

As I give away or sell my belongings I have accepted that the sentimental feelings I have for these things will live with me as memories. I have on my wall, four cowboy hats that Barry wore. He looked so good in those hats and in his jeans and boots. But I have photos of him that immediately trigger memories of how much I loved him and how much we loved being together.  

Barry in Colorado

I hope someone will enjoy wearing those hats as much as he did. I remember the sadness I felt when I sold his fishing boat and all his fishing equipment.
Selling his car was very difficult for me. I think the finality I felt when the boat was taken away and when the car was driven away hit me extremely hard.

But I have finally accepted the fact that I need to sell my house. I accept the fact that I will be living a completely different life when I move to Roswell, GA. But  I will enjoy my new life with my family so near me. Having been here for the past month, I know what I need to do to make it work better for me. I have poor Internet and weak WiFi, so I will change that. I will put in a landline as my cell phone doesn't get a good signal here. But I am getting an iPhone and that might help. 

I will be driving back to my mountain home soon and I dread getting it ready to sell. But I look forward to my life in the city as I sit on my little deck overlooking a small lake and watch the ducks diving and quacking and flapping their wings.

I am learning to take one day at a time and make the most of that day. 
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad in it." 

I used to keep those words on my refrigerator and read them every day. I try to start each day by being thankful for my life, for all the wonderful things I have experienced, and for all my teachers, many of whom are gone now. I am eternally grateful that I have a beloved sister who married a kind, caring man who seems to be happy that Lexie and I are here. I am fortunate to have people who love me and make me feel safe.

So all those things in my home in North Carolina will go to others who can enjoy them and make their own memories.
 I will keep mine in my heart. 


  1. I treasure the jewellery that my father made for my mother and me, but the time is coming when it should go to other people to wear and delight in.

  2. So many memories are attached to things. I decided to final get rid of Dons golf clubs last week.. they are now back in shed.. not time yet. What a wonderful picture of Barry and yes he sure was a handsome fellow ❤️

  3. Oh Glenda. You brought a tear to my eye this morning as I read this beautiful post. We carry so much in our hearts we don’t need possessions. Coming to that realization takes time. Take care, my friend!

    1. Marie, Thank you for reading and for your words. It certainly does take time and reflection before we can accept.


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