Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Beautiful flowers from Paige, my dear niece

I don't expect to get flowers on Valentine's Day now that my valentine is gone, but this year, on February 14, Paige brought this large beautiful bouquet of flowers to me. Sadly, I was asleep when she came and did not hear her at my door. But she left them anyway with a sweet card.  

Having no children of my own, I am always touched when my nieces and nephews remember me on special days like Valentine's Day. I wish I had been as thoughtful with my dear Aunt Judy who had no children. I loved her and loved being with her, but never thought to send her a card or write her a note on special days. 

If you are a niece or nephew with an aunt or uncle you love, it would please them so, so much to be remembered with flowers or a card showing your love.


  1. You niece is so thoughtful. Hope the healing is grogressing well, Glenda.

    1. Yes, Marie. That was a thoughtful thing and I appreciate her. I am progressing very well, I think.

  2. What beautiful flowers. It was very sweet of her to give you those lovely flowers.


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