Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Monday, August 22, 2022

My Week in Review

Well, I am a day late with this blog post, but hope you find time to read it.

The past week has been busy and interesting. It began with my meeting the two pastors of my church. I knew them but we had never met in person. 

I don't go to church for a number of reasons related to my health, but in 1995 when we first moved to this little mountain town and this rural area, we attended different churches all summer hoping to find the right fit.

We had been very involved with our church in Albany, GA, the First Presbyterian Church there. It was an old church downtown. Barry and I sang in the choir and dearly loved being a part of that group. They gave us a party when we moved away and we missed them terribly. We liked this church because the people are open-minded and not biased toward anyone or prejudiced toward anyone. It is an open-arms church, I think.

It was a small presbyterian church here that drew us in. The friendly people and the small congregation seemed to call us. Before long Barry and another new member had decided we needed a choir. Barry just couldn't enjoy a church without a choir because he loved to sing. We formed a small choir and loved singing every Sunday at the service and at rehearsals. Singing makes you feel good and we drove home feeling as high as a kite because our endorphins were soaring.

I miss that feeling and I miss those people I learned to care about back in those days. Most are gone now.

But when Bob and Linda, the co-pastors who are a married couple, called and asked me to meet them at the church because they had something for me, I was happy to go.

Linda had knitted a beautiful prayer shawl for me. She said if I had to have surgery, and I will likely have surgery in a few months, she wanted me to have this shawl to keep me warm and to know I was wrapped in love. Now isn't that the sweetest thing in the world?

Wearing my beautiful, soft prayer shawl

On Thursday evening, I read some of my creative nonfiction at the John C. Campbell Folk School for our Literary Hour. We had a large group come out and one of my stories about my father seemed to resonate with everyone. It was a beautiful evening.

Saturday afternoon we returned to the same place at the folk school, the Open House Pavilion, and held a memorial service for one of our beloved members, Dr. Gene Hirsch. As we shared our thoughts and gratitude for this man, we also felt the joy of being together again since we had not met in person for two years due to the pandemic. 

Yes, last week was a busy week for me and it was filled with kindness, love, and celebration. 
This week has begun with medical issues but I am excited because my sister, Gay, and my niece, Lee are coming to visit. We three have such fun together. 

My dear readers, I hope you all are healthy and safe as we slowly move into fall with all the colors and cool weather.  For you in the southern hemisphere, I wish you good weather as well. 
Now, I am going to read all your Sunday blog posts.


  1. You have been busy - but a week filled with love, kindness and celebration is ALWAYS welcome.

  2. .it sounds like a wonderful week, Glenda. I hope the time with your sister and niece is a lovely as it always is! Take care, my friend!

  3. Marie, I look forward to my week, but it will be very busy and I find I need more time to rest these days. Thanks for your good wishes.

  4. EC, yes, it has been a good week. We take joy in the little things these days.

  5. DJan, the problem is with my blogger account. It has changed and I don't know why or how to fix it. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I may be posting the same comment twice. So glad Linda made the beautiful prayer shawl. How kind of her to present it to you. I enjoyed reading with you at the Folk School. The story about your father was wonderful. I'm also glad you could attend Gene's memorial service. I hope you will have a great visit with Gay. I'm thinking of you and hope all your medical appointments will go well.


I really appreciate your comments, and I love reading what you say.