Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lost in the Attic

I hope all of my readers, my friends, had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year
The weekend is almost over as I sit at my sister's house and write this post. I loved being with family for the holidays.

The apartment Gay and Stu are creating for me is coming along nicely. I will have a small kitchen, a very nice walk-in shower in the bathroom with a pretty vanity and mirror.

Today Gay and I sat on the covered deck overlooking the lake. The weather was perfect with sunshine and a slight breeze. The temperature was just as I like it. Cool and crisp. I look forward to sitting there in the future.

I want to take Lexie down to see if she will try to get out of the deck which opens to her fenced area.

She scared Gay and me to death yesterday. We could not find her in the house. Neither of us had gone outside, so we didn't see any way she could be out of the house.

Finally, I said to Gay, "Did she follow you upstairs this morning?" Gay has a large room upstairs which she uses for storage. I had gone to the foot of the stairs and called Lexie, but heard nothing.

Suddenly, Gay had a light bulb moment. "She might have gone up there with me, but I didn't notice." She headed for the stairs. "I wonder if she went into the crawl space. If she did, she could be anywhere up there." I climbed the stairs with Gay right behind me. She headed to a large opening in the back corner. "The electrician left this open and I can't close it," she said. We both called for Lexie again promising her treats if she would come to us.

Gay went to a closed door on the opposite side of the room, opened it, and called "Lexie. Lexie!" 

"She couldn't get in there with the door closed," I said. 

"If she went into that other space, she could be back in here. I heard her little feet overhead when I was in the kitchen." Behind that door that no one had entered for a long, long time, Lexie could be lost.
We called and called. "I hear her coming," Gay said. In a few minutes, my little 12-pound buddy appeared, happy to be found and excited to see us. 

Gay said, "She went into that large opening but found herself in the attic where she could go from one end of the house to the other. I guess she forgot how she got there."

We were very relieved to get her back, and we learned that when curious Lexie is present, we have to check out the premises to be sure she can't go where she should not.
Lexie sleeping soundly


  1. Your hearts must have been in your mouths until Lexie was found - and I am so glad she was.

  2. I can imagine the anxious minutes you both experienced. Lexie looks pretty relaxed now!

    I am glad you were able to spend Thanksgiving with family!

  3. EC we were so worried and frustrated as we knew no one had let her out of the house. But, thankfully, we found her and will not make that mistake again.

  4. Hi Marie, yes Lexie is doing fine, sleeping in her bed with no worries. She has scared me so many times in the past six years with her antics. Her curiosity gets her in trouble.

  5. Dogs are like children. They like to explore old houses with big attics. I'm glad Lexie's safe and sound.

  6. Lexie! You be a good girl now! No more scaring your Mama and Auntie Gay. Y'all have fun down south in Georgia. Hurry back safe and sound.

  7. Abbie, Lexie is like a little kid, a busy little kid, curious and daring. She loves everyone and most people love her, too.

  8. Thanks, Unknown, Raven?
    Thanks for stopping by. See you soon.

  9. Oh, my goodness! I'm so glad you found little Lexie. I know that was a frightening experience. We sure do love our animals.

    I'm glad your apartment is coming along well, but hope you won't be moving soon to live with Gay. We sure will miss you.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  10. Hi Brenda, I won't be selling my house or moving soon, but this will be a wonderful place to retreat when I want to come to be with family or to concentrate on my writing. I love my home and my friends in Hayesville, a wonderful place to live.


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