Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Books can take us far away from the pressures and worries of today.

Joy Dent, my brother Max, and my cousin Rob looking for our Robison ancestors a few years ago.

I have not been much of a social media person except for Facebook which I use for announcements about writers, our writing group, and some family news. But recently I checked out some of the other sites and found that many writers use Instagram, and my second cousin Joy Dent, who writes under the name of Darcy Flynn has a page with pictures of her family, her pets, and her books. This is her page:  https://www.instagram.com/joydarcyauthor/

I have read some of her books and they are what she claims them to be: sweet, romantic, and clean.  No rapes or torn bodices in her books. The love stories make you sigh for that time in your own life, and her characters are well-drawn and interesting.

The author has an impressive background. She grew up in New Orleans, and she was named Mrs. Tennessee in a beauty pageant. She is educated in music, art, and dance and is talented in all, but in her empty nest years, she decided to write fiction and has published quite a few books. 

Her books are great for the times you want to escape the realities of this world and drift away to a place and time when life was filled with young love, with the games young people play when they are looking for Mr. Right or for Miss Right. 

With all the natural drama of our lives today, Darcy Flynn's books are perfect for those of us who feel the world is too much with us.

Joy with her son, Roman, who recently passed away


  1. Blogging is the closest I come to a social media presence - and books have and will be a very welcome escape from the world.
    I hope your cousin's books do well.

  2. That writing gene went through the family! Hope Joy’s book does well.

  3. This sounds like an interesting author. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thanks, EC. Sometimes I feel I am too much of a book lover. I purchase books and can't find the time to read them all. I also use our library and cannot finish a book before it is due. I think this is because I listen to Audible books most of the time. Joy Dent's books sell well as romance books are the most popular books among women everywhere. But she is in mourning right now.

  5. Marie, I find that many in my family are artists, visual, literary and music. Joy Dent is probably the best known. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Hi Abbie, She is a popular writer in her genre, and romantic fiction is read by more women than any other writing. I have written some romance short stories, but have not submitted them.

  7. Well, Glenda, maybe you should submit those stories. You don't know if they can be published unless you try. Good luck.


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