Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Bad Weather and Bad Day

What a dreary day, rain and extreme cold. But, I am inside and warm. I have Lexie cuddled beside me and we are fine.

I am avoiding the news and listening to Podcasts when I want entertainment. I have been at my computer too long and need to get up and move around. I read stories sent to me by my students and that was enjoyable. I look forward to the class tomorrow afternoon. 


I just heard that my sister-in-law passed away this afternoon. I am sad for my brother and his children and I am sad for me. In our family singing group, she and I sang alto, and she led me to hit the right notes. She was a devoted mother to her four boys and was one of the best cooks ever. She learned to cook much like my mother in order to please my brother. They married when she was twenty years old. On her birthday in May, she would have been 87. 

My brother and his wife when they were young with two of their boys
Sadly, we lost her twice. She fell victim to dementia some years ago and was no longer the person we knew, but she never lost her love for music. She played piano and sang old songs and remembered all the words to them. Music is such an important part of our lives, even when we forget almost everything else. 

I understand losing someone twice because my mother lost her short term memory when she was seventy due to an aneurysm on her carotid artery. She was never the same person again, but I loved her so much and did the best I could to take care of her. I mourn her to this day. Those we love are with us always.


  1. So sad to lose a dear family member or friend. She seemed to have a good life, and I feel fortunate not to have lost family members twice like that. I hope you have a great day ahead, dear friend.

  2. Deepest sympathy for the loss of your SIL. It will be a sad time for the family for sure. That long good from dementia is so sad. Take care!

  3. Thank you, EC and Djan. It is a sad time and worse because I can't go to the funeral because of COVID and the danger there. My sister and I still have a while before we get our second vaccination. My heart breaks for my brother and the loneliness he will feel now. Although she has not been a real companion for some time, I know he will miss her every day.

  4. Glenda, I'm sorry about the bad weather and for your loss. You're in my thoughts.

  5. I am sad but I know life will go on and I will do more to make each day special. Thank you Abbie. I do look forward to spring.

  6. Thank you, Marie. That long goodby from dementia is so very hard. We do feel she is in a better place because she had no quality of life.


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