Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Staycation for Me

It is Sunday evening. Very quiet here in my little abode. Rain has darkened our skies since Saturday morning. With windows open I listened to the sound of rain on the leaves and the trees.

I imagine the rain is coming from the tropical depression left from Hurricane Delta that hit the Gulf Coast this past week. When I see the damage to homes and people's lives, I realize, once again, how much I have to be grateful for these days.

A weekend like this one makes me appreciate that I am independent and live alone in my own home. I recently ordered a bedside table, a kind of hospital table, that will slide under my bed so I can sit back in my comfy bed with all my pillows around me, my books, my Ipad, all I need to be happy while I spend the afternoon stress-free and free to do whatever I want. Saturday, I had a staycation. I stayed home and had a vacation. 

The bedside table tilts and has a lip around the edges, so I can put my Kindle, my IPad or my laptop on it and sit back to read, type, or listen to some of my favorite podcasts. I have a Roku TV in my bedroom and I often turn it on while I rest my eyes or my arms. I also take naps during the day. After a nap, I feel energized and ready for the next fun thing I want to do.

The table is adjustable. I can raise it, lower it and tilt it. On the end is part of the table that will not tilt. 
Great place to hold notes or even a glass or cup. To the left of the table is a little bed for Lexie so she can snuggle in close by.

My timer just told me it is time to get up from this computer and do some stretches, walk around the house and get movement in my legs so I don't get stiff and end up with night time pain.

Until next time, my friends, find time to cut out the noise of the world, the problems we can't solve, and give yourself time to take care of you, to do just what is enjoyable to you, and come back to see me here when I post again.
Oh, and be sure to vote. I have already voted and it is such a relief to have it done already,


  1. I haven't received by ballot yet, but as soon as I do, I will fill it out and mail it in. I do like your little table very much! I have a similar "nest" but it's in the living room. :-)

  2. You have a comfortable area to veg out and enjoy your life.

    It looks like many Americans are voting early. Well done you.

  3. It is nice to be able to do what one’s enjoys. Yesterday I read a British mystery from 1943, quite fun to be in another era, away from what is happening today (although 1943 in London was not fun either.) I had not read one in a long time. After constantly moving boxes and clearing them out it is relaxing to just sit and read. I was in GA on October 11 when it was raining and this is why I came back to TN on the 12th. Now I have to go back before Oct 30 to either find my absentee ballot or catch the early voting before it ends on Oct. 30. I’ll try to take a day away to see if I can find some fall colors for my blog. Take care.

  4. Good to hear from you all. Vagabonde, I hope your trip to Georgia is good. I was in your area recently and had the opportunity to see a large barred owl in the back yard of my sister's house in Roswell. The leafy coverage in the yard gave him a great place to sit almost unnoticed. He saw us above him in the sunroom and watched as we moved about.

  5. Hi Glenda,
    I'm glad you had a restful day. Sounds like the table is really nice. I've voted, too. Stay well and stay safe.


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