Sleep alludes me most nights. No matter what time I go to bed, I can't go to sleep until 2:30 or after.
Going to bed is not easy for me. Before I turn in, I take a bunch of pills.
With a heart condition and Diabetes I never miss my night time ritual. And, if I have been sitting for a long time, hours, I wake up with pain in my back, legs and feet.
Going to bed is not easy for me. Before I turn in, I take a bunch of pills.
With a heart condition and Diabetes I never miss my night time ritual. And, if I have been sitting for a long time, hours, I wake up with pain in my back, legs and feet.
This morning, my diabetes sensor awakened me. It is incessant. I can't ignore it. When I checked, my reading was 69, too low. At the same time, I had sharp nerve pain in my feet. I had to get up, eat something with carbs, and take pain meds, stretch, and use heat and ice for my back and feet.
Although I didn't get enough sleep last night, I can take a nap today. No appointments on my calendar!
Great. I will finish my Christmas Cards and get them in the mail today. Christmas is almost here.
Great. I will finish my Christmas Cards and get them in the mail today. Christmas is almost here.
Life is Good.
Even though I have frustration and problems every single day, I am grateful that I have a lovely home provided for me. I am so thankful to be living in the same house with two people I love who seem to want me here. And---they love Lexie, which makes all complete.
She usually sleeps late and gets up when I do, so this morning, when I had to get up early, so did she. Now she is back asleep in a chair, one she has chosen to be her own, with her blanket. I love that little girl.
Sleeping Beauty |
Dealing with Customer Service drives me Nuts!
For weeks now I have spent hours and hours on the phone with employees of companies I used to use at my house in North Carolina, but no longer need. I realize I made a huge mistake many years ago when Barry and I signed with Frontier Communication for our landline telephone. We made the awful mistake of signing for the company to take our monthly fees directly from our checking account.
It was a no worry answer to paying my bill on time each month. But all the worry has come now when I realized I have been paying this bill months after I called to cancel it and four months after I sold my house. I don't get a bill each month because I don't need to send in a payment. It comes up on my bank statement. For months I had overlooked the fact that Frontier was taking 80 plus dollars out of my bank account even though I had called and canceled the account.
Then the problem began. I called Frontier, waited for a long time to talk to a human being who said my account had not been cancelled because I had not produced a PIN for that account. Believe me that was the first time I had heard anything about a PIN. The person on the phone could not help me. So I turned to my bank and found they are limited in stopping an automatic payment from my account. The best they could do was stop payment on the last month's withdrawal. Needless to say, my week has been spent mostly on struggling with Frontier personnel who all said the same thing. And here in December, they have taken another payment for a phone that I don't have from an address that has not been mine since September 4 when we closed on the sale of the house.
The good thing is Frontier has a record of my call to cancel back in May 2024. Finally, today, in desperation while dealing with yet another employee, who had me go to the computer to receive some information I had to complete, she said. But her email never came through.
At that point I was tired and about to scream. But instead, I told this woman on the phone in a very angry tone, "I know it won't matter to you or change anything, but I have a heart condition and breast cancer which gives me lots of stress, and now Frontier is going to give me a stroke."
She was quiet for a minute. I said, "I am sure there is someone there who could take care of this problem."
"Hold on a minute. Let me talk to my supervisor." The line was quiet for awhile, then she came back on and said, "It's handled now. You will be refunded immediately for the past three months and then we will refund to your bank account the rest that is owed you."
Now, if they will do what they say, I will be most happy. But why didn't someone do this a week ago and before I spent hours on the phone with those who said they could do nothing to help me until I produced a PIN? Just speaking to her supervisor took care of it all, but no one, and I asked to speak to someone else, but not until I told them about my health issues did anybody care enough to help me.
And I have run into more than one since making this move. My message to you is NEVER sign an automatic payment plan where they can take your money directly from your account. Sales people will push you to do that, but don't.
I am a big fan of Clark Howard who has helped me with another fight with a big company, and he advises to never sign an automatic payment plan like I did.
When others have heard about some of these problems with big companies that won't refund what is owed me, I have been told, "Well, that is too much trouble. I would just let it go. Forget about it."
But, I don't have an income where I can just give away over $500 to those who would take it from me.
Be safe out there, my friends. Hope you are having happy times during the holidays.
Know who to trust.
I could identify with all of this. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteCustomer service these days is a very, very rate beast. I am glad that you finally got it sorted and can well understand the stress and frustration it has caused.
I will know it is sorted when I see the refund checks. I hope it is.
DeleteGlenda, I'm so sorry for the problems with the phone company. I've also had trouble with these people (many times a computer), and know how irritating it is.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I relate to your health issues. It's not pleasant, but you are so blessed to have a wonderful sister and brother-in-law who love and help you. Family is everything. It may be rough, but we can always find something to be thankful for. It may be tiny, but as my daddy used to often sing, "Keep on the Sunny Side of Life.."
I sure hope you and Gay have a very Merry Christmas and Joyful New Year.
Lots of love,
Thank you, Brenda. I am indeed blessed and vewry thankful. Merry Christmas to you.
DeleteGlenda, I'm glad you got straightened out with the phone company. Happy holidays!
ReplyDeleteThank you.