Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Violence again and what will we do about it?

Our country is known for its violence and today the violence was directed toward former president Trump. 
I am thankful he was not killed, but I have feared that this was going to happen. I don't doubt that someone will go after President Biden. There is so much political hatred in the USA at this time that I would not go near a gathering for either candidate. They can speak to us on television. 

I hate that the Trump team is calling this an act by the opposing political side when they have no idea who did this. They just like to ramp up the anger and violence.

I remember when Ronald Reagan was shot and it had nothing to do with politics. Just a nut case who wanted attention. I feel sure this is what will be found with this shot. The shooter also shot a Hispanic man in the head and that sounds like it might have been intentional. 

No matter how much I want Donald Trump to lose the election, I hate to see this violence against him or anyone. I wish this shooting would influence our government, Congress and the Supreme Court, to make it harder to get guns and make it easier to detect a gun on someone. Seems that only traditional metal guns are found with equipment used now to find a secured weapon. 

All of my life we have had differences between political parties, but I don't remember it ever being so mean and nasty as it is now. As our country is suffering with the stress of families letting politics tear them apart, I continue to say I love many people who don't believe as I do about the political situation, so we don't discuss it. A wonderful friend of mine who was just the opposite of me in his politics said to me, "Let's not talk politics. I love you too much to talk about it."

He was the sweetest, most caring man and a good man, so we enjoyed visiting together, but we did not talk politics. I also don't like to talk about religion unless I am talking to someone who accepts my religion and doesn't try to tell me I should be the same denomination as she is. I accept people who treat me with respect and who don't judge me by my political leanings or my religious beliefs. 
That is the reason we all must protect our freedom in this country. 

We must be tolerant of others who differ from us unless that person is planning to hurt someone. Although I don't understand some people and why they vote as they do, I hope we always have the freedom to vote our conscious. But I hope we always, as a country, seek to elect people of good moral conduct and who are honest and honorable. I remember when I was a child in school, our teachers made sure we learned about Presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and their part in building this wonderful country. I also admire President Jimmy Carter, a fine man of good character, and President O'Bama. I have read their books and learned so much about the difficult role of Commander in Chief. 

While many believe the president can do anything once he is in office, I learned that his hands are tied in so many ways by the Senators and Representatives in Congress. Those who follow the activities of Congress, know what I mean. Sometimes they act like children instead of mature individuals we send to Washington to make the laws that make our lives better, that keep us safe, and that protect our democracy. 

I will turn away from the TV news now because it worsens my stressful life. I will think about the enjoyable time I had with three of my writing friends this week. I had not realized how much I missed talking to writers about writing. 

I have almost all of my belongings here with me now and once I can unpack the boxes and find my stuff, I will be much more comfortable. I look forward to having more time to do things I really want to do in the coming months. I will try to do a better job of posting on my blogs.
Let me hear from you, my friends, and be safe.
Have a great week and hope you don't overdo in the heat.


  1. Sadly I fear nothing will change with your gun laws.
    I hear you on the newsfront. I cannot watch it. Not our national news, not international news.

    1. I am afraid you are right about the gun laws. President Biden did get a gun safety bill passed, but it seems so little in the face of what this man could do.

  2. Oh my. Whatever political beliefs people have, violence is not the answer.

    Take care, my friend!

    1. Marie, I was right about this boy who was the shooter. He seems to have no political leanings that would cause him to shoot at Donald Trump. He is just another white male who takes out his anger and resentment with violence and his father made it easy for him to use this gun.


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