Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving with Lee and Dave

Cornbread Dressing, a traditional side dish

Happy Thanksgiving to my USA readers. I had a wonderful day with my sister, Gay, and my niece Lee and her husband Dave, their son, Will and his girlfriend, Abbie.

Dave is an outstanding cook. He prepared a turkey that was moist and delicious as well as mashed potatoes and a tasty corn casserole. Lee made my favorite side dish, broccoli casserole. Soooo good!

Gay and I made our traditional cornbread dressing. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without this dish.  Abbie brought pecan pie and chocolate pie – both delicious!

Dave, the cook, Lee, his tall beautiful wife, Mary, Lyn's partner,
Front row; Gay and my niece, Lyn 
Photo Thanksgiving two years ago.

It is seven o’clock pm and Gay and I brought home enough leftovers for supper later. Although I always miss Barry, my sister June, her husband Stan and all of my brothers who are gone now, we all remember them, talk about them and Mother and Daddy. We feel they are with us in spirit.

I don’t see Will very often now as he lives in Atlanta and works for a company in Atlanta. We have come to know Abbie, a sweet and smart young woman and we enjoy her company. She had a death in her family last weekend and goes to a funeral tomorrow. It is sadder when our loved ones die during holiday time.

My thoughts are with my brother Max’s family, as this is the first Thanksgiving without him. He died in February of this year. Now his sons are orphans. But they have good memories as I do, and I hope they had lots of laughter and love today.

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving Day wherever you live, filled with love and gratefulness for the blessings in your life.  



  1. I am very glad to read that your thanksgiving was packed with love - and delicious food and memories.

  2. I hope the remainder of this Thanksgiving weekend is as wonderful for you and yours as the day itself, Glenda!


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