Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Losing a loved one brings back the pain

Today I am in a pensive mood. Feeling a bit down and uncertain about my future and the future of our country, I found myself reading posts by my niece Lee, on her blog which she is not maintaining at this time. She is an excellent writer and a thoughtful and intelligent woman. 

As some of my readers are facing deaths of friends and family, I decided to share this blog post and Lee's blog with you today.

The last few blog posts on her site are about the death of her mother, and the grief that she feels about all the losses in her life. I think you will find they are well-written and, like me, will relate to what she is saying.

I hope Lee will one day continue with this blog. What do you think?


  1. That is a truly lovely post - and yes it would be wonderful if she decided to revitalise her blog.
    I believe that grief never goes away. We don't 'get over' it but instead find a way to (mostly) live with it. And every now and then it surges and hits us hard. Sometimes those surges are expected (anniversaries for example) and some times they come out of nowhere.
    Grief changes us.

  2. I hope Lee does continue her blog one day and share her writing with the world.

    Love has a cost, whether it’s love of people or pets. The cost, grief, is the price we pay for the privilege of loving. The price is high but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

    With time, the grief isn’t all encompassing but it hits us every now and again, reminding us of our humanity.

    Lee expressed her grief beautifully. Her mom must have been wonderful.

  3. I will read it later today, but first I must get up and try to carry on in a difficult world.

  4. I can identify with the feelings expressed in this post. I felt the same way when I lost my husband Bill. Thank you for sharing.

  5. EC, yes, we never get over it, and grief hits us in the strangest moments it seems. There are many kinds of grief including anticipatory grief when you know someone will die, or you will lose someone you love. Lee does a great job of expressing her feelings here.

  6. Marie, Lee's mom, my sister, was such a fine person and she loved deeply and showed it.
    Lee lost her father when she was so young and that was a very difficult time for everyone.

    Reading Lee's words about her pain, her grief, brings tears to my eyes and empathy for her as I have felt that hurt of losing my mother. I will always remember that grief.

  7. Abbie, thanks for your comment. I know you understand and relate to Lee's words.

  8. DJan, today is a difficult day and we must struggle on with life. I understand.


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