Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Make Your Home Your Friend and Safe Place

Your home is intended to be your friend and safe place – comfortable and easy to be around, as well as a support to face the stress and tension beyond the front door. It is meant to be a personal, nourishing space where you can hear your inner voice; one that will inspire and cradle your heart’s hopes and dreams.

I often say your home is your soft place to land and strong place to launch. If it doesn’t feel like that, then it’s time to make a few changes.  Heidi Smith on Sixty and Me.   

After reading this article by Heidi Smith, I realized my home has become cluttered with things I love and don’t want to give away. I also realized that during this pandemic I have made my home work better for me. 

My dining room is now my office.  I moved my desk top computer and a printer into the dining room which is never used now since I don’t have company in my house except my sister. She and I make a space on the table to eat breakfast. Other times we eat on trays in front of the TV.

I had in my garage a small chest with two drawers. It is scuffed on the top, but my small printer sits on it and covers the scuffs. The drawers hold extra paper and printer ink. To the left of my computer is a collapsible ottoman with removal top. It is a great place to hide binders, folders and papers that I use most often.

Close by, in my kitchen, is my Alexa which I use every day. I can listen to Public Radio, listen to my favorite music, my favorite podcasts, get the local weather and listen to reminders I put in the night before. I avoid the TV news channels. I don’t want bad news pouring into my safe space, my home.

Those who have come to my writing studio the past ten years know that I have always maintained a fragrance free environment due to my chemical sensitivities. My studio and my home are my safe places to be where I will not get sick from personal body products that others use – perfume, cologne, lotions and hair spray. In my home only non-scented products are used for cleaning.

This weekend when I have free time, I will take down and put away some of the accessories in my house.  That will give me more empty space. I will not put away my family pictures. I enjoy seeing them all the time.

Lexie can be in both living room and my dining room office by sitting on the back of the sofa and on the back of a dining room chair. Isn't she a smart one?

With less home help now, I must make my entire house easier to clean, easier to maintain, and more comfortable for me. I live here and I need to be happy with every room. Comfort and calm is on the top of my list for living these days.

Readers, what about you? Is your home comfortable and calming? Does it make you feel good? Do you see things you can do that will make your life easier and happier?




  1. Home should indeed be a safe place.
    Sadly for too many people (mostly women) this is simply NOT true.
    I am working on mine, knowing that I am already lucky, but wanting to make it even safer.

  2. Love your new setup. my finger is sprained so this will be short. :-)

  3. EC, I know there are many who don't have safe homes, especially women. I, too, am lucky and have been in many ways. Thanks for your comment.

  4. DJan, I am having a very hard time working with the new Blogger system. I actually hate it, but seems I have no choice. Sorry about your sprained finger. Give it a rest and hope it heals quickly.

  5. My home feels like a sanctuary, especially my porch and my study, which holds objects that inspire me and make sketching and writing fun. We moved from a small condo to a small house a year ago and I am so thankful we were able to do that before the pandemic..

  6. Love the landing and launching with reference to home.

    My husband and I share the home space with different Ideas as to what is comfortable. He has a computer room which he has his way and I have a family room the way I like it. The remainder of the house is a compromise. The system works.


I really appreciate your comments, and I love reading what you say.