Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Leaving this earth

My friend, Linda, sent me the link to the video I have above this post. It is best on full screen. Tonight it speaks to me for I would like to fly above the world, touching down only where I wanted. I am in awe of this young man and his ability to soar in the mountains, over the oceans, along the beach and on top of cities. I don't want to know how he does it. I am just amazed that he can and happy he takes me along with him. 


  1. As a retired skydiver, I have thousands of journeys under a canopy similar to this one. It is wonderful to fly, and I do feel I learned how. This is a fun video; thanks so much for sharing it! :-)

  2. DJan, I know you can fly and I think it is wonderful. I would never have the nerve to jump out of an airplane. I can hardly make myself get into one. Watching this video, I can almost feel how it is to be soaring above everything and getting that view. I have always had a fear of heights. When I was small, I would not stand near the open doors of the hay loft. At the top of a tall building with some of my family, I had the odd feeling I might want to jump off. How weird is that? But as a kid I loved to climb trees, sit high above the group.
    But I have never been daring except when riding a horse. I jumped hurdles, rode into streams and let my mare run like the wind.

  3. EC, he is a lucky man, but also a bold and brave man. I'm glad he lets me fly with him.


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