Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

We finished the book. Now what comes next?

Now that our manuscript is ready to be published, Estelle Rice and I are in the next stage of getting our book out. Marketing.

Although writers must start their marketing long before a book is published by getting their work known to the pubic and making a name for themselves as a writer, now we must get word out about our new book, Paws, Claws, Hooves, Feathers and Fins; Family Pets and God's Other Creatures.

While marketing a new book, writers must continue to write -- either another book or work on another project. My next project is to publish a poetry collection. My poetry chapbook, Night Might as Well be Then was published by Finishing Line Press in 2009. Amazon says that book is no longer available, but it is available from the publisher and from me. The price is only $12, but I sell it to my friends for $10. 

Today I created a postcard to send out to a long list of people I know who might be interested in the new book. There is a cost to marketing if you want it done well. The postcard will have the gorgeous picture of the front cover on one side, a message about the book and how to order, on the other side.
I am glad we have an eye catching cover. Covers have a large influence on book buyers.

But no matter how pretty the cover and how well it is written, if no one knows the book is available, on Amazon or in Barnes and Noble stores, how can they purchase it? So the job of the writer is to make herself known and then make her book known. 

I am delighted that Paws, Claws, Hooves... will come out in September just in time for Christmas. It will make a perfect gift for anyone who likes or ever owned a pet. You will meet Mary who saved Gracie at church. You will be impressed with Chanook who saves someone's life. The story of the Horse with a Halo always brings a tear, not from sadness, though. What about a pterodactyl cat?

We have orders coming in already and we are so, so excited. 
I plan to do an interview with my co-author, Estelle Rice, who was a young girl during WWII. In fact, her fiance' was lost in the war. She has so much to offer the public, and I can't wait to do that interview. As you get to know her, you will fall in love with her.

ESTELLE RICE co-author of Paws, Claws, Hooves, Feathers and Fins

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  1. Huge congratulations.
    And best wishes for a steady stream of sales.

  2. Thanks, E.C. I went to my cardiologist today and he bought a copy of my book. I was delighted and I know he will enjoy it.
    I just have to get the word out. But we are going to be doing readings and book signings for the next few months, so we will see many people and most people do like animals, especially dogs and cats.


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