Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Travel to India - If you want to go, read this travelogue by Nanine Case who went there alone and documented it with photos and stories.

A travel blog by Nanine Case about an unusual visit to  India

Recently I answered my home phone and someone asked a name I  knew, but it was not someone at my house. I politely said, "She doesn't live here. You have the wrong number."
The caller did not respond as most people would. She did not hang up, but began telling me why she was calling this woman. She had an old newspaper clipping with a heading that said Ronda B. was teaching a class on Create Space and the caller wanted to see if Ronda would teach her how to use this program to publish a book.

The caller, Nanine Case, and I talked for over an hour. She is a most interesting person who has written a historical novel. She writes a travel blog and she is an excellent photographer. I don't remember when I have enjoyed a conversation so much with a complete stranger.

The mystery of the wrong number was uncovered when she said she found the number on the article listed as where to call regarding the class. Of course, that number was my number because Ronda was to instruct a class at my writing studio.

After our long talk on the phone Nanine and I both were delighted that the wrong number ended up in our meeting and finding we had much in common. I was able to answer many questions she had about writing and publishing and gave her the names of others in the area who might be of help to her.

We will meet one day and sit face to face. We will continue our discussion about writing and many other topics. Meanwhile, I visited her blog. What a beautiful site. I read all of her  posts about her unusual trip to India. The accompanying photographs put me right there with all the sights and  sounds, the food and the smells. I hope you will click on

To take the trip from the beginning, the reader will have to scroll backward from the present post to find when Nanine makes the decision to go on this trip 1n 2013.  

Let me know what  you think by leaving a comment. 
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You can read more about my writing and my upcoming classes at www.glendacouncilbeall.com 


  1. I love this so much. It’s the very essence of who we should aspire to be: open, welcoming humans.

  2. Thank you, Barbara, for reading and leaving your comment. I found this writer and her story of the trip to India interesting and hope others will do the same.


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