Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Monday, August 3, 2015

ENFJ - That's me, faults and all

I took a personality test online.The site is www.16personalities.com
was amazed at the results. It was so accurate that I had to contact my sister, Gay, about it. She took the test and, again, I am amazed at how accurate they described her personality. 
Gay, Dixie, Glenda 

The test proves she and I have different personalities although our family thought we had the same opinions, the same goals, wishes and needs. They even referred to us almost as one person--"Glenda and Gay." But we are two different types. And my real personality didn't bloom until I moved away from my family, to the mountains of North Carolina. 

I am a Protagonist under the Diplomat Category

"ENFJs, (that's me), are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, ENFJs take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community."

I learned many things about myself, but I will list here the weaknesses of an ENFJ. I recognize them in myself and my friends have said I have all of these. So I am trying to stay aware. The first one, overly idealistic, is difficult for me. I can easily become frustrated when people oppose, what to me, seems a perfect solution or plan for them to accomplish a goal.


Overly Idealistic – People with the ENFJ personality type can be caught off guard as they find that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against them and defy the principles they've adopted, however well-intentioned they may be. They are more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté.

Too Selfless – ENFJs can bury themselves in their hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as their own and striving hard to meet their word. If they aren't careful, they can spread themselves too thin, and be left unable to help anyone. (This is the one my friends tell me I need to watch out for)

Too Sensitive – While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for ENFJs to take it a little too much to heart. Their sensitivity to others means that ENFJs sometimes feel problems that aren't their own and try to fix things they can't fix, worrying if they are doing enough. (I've always been too sensitive to the pain or troubles of others. I am empathetic. In a competitive game, I would rather lose than see another lose if it upsets him.)

Fluctuating Self-Esteem – ENFJs define their self-esteem by whether they are able to live up to their ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what they could do better. If they fail to meet a goal or to help someone they said they'd help, their self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet. ( I am told I blame myself for the problems of others. "Everything is not your fault," I was told recently.

Struggle to Make Tough Decisions – If caught between a rock and a hard place, ENFJs can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of their actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian.

Often it is hard to see ourselves as others see us. I found this survey and its results informative and helpful. Have you taken such a test? If not, visit www.16personalities.com and tell us what you discover about yourself?


  1. I'll have to take this test. I have had to take this in years past as part of the paperwork for applying for a job, if you can believe that!

  2. This is really interesting. I may visit the website and try the test. You and Gay are very close just like my sister and I are close. It's such a blessing to have sisters.

  3. This is from the old Meyers-Briggs testing, if I'm not mistaken. We are similar, since I am an ENFP and have been tested many times and always come out the same. :-)

  4. I never had this test and I heard it is the Meyers-Briggs testing so I was interested to see what I would find.
    DJan, I am not surprised that you and I are similar in personality. Maybe why I am drawn to you as a friend and why I love your blog.

    Brenda Kay, I hope you will take this test and I'd love to see what it says about you. Lots of nice things, I'm sure. And you are so right about sisters. It is a great blessing to have a sister.
    Joan, thanks for your comment. I have never heard of having a personality test in order to get a job, but it probably would be good to see more about a candidate.


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