Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Did you see how you can mandarin oranges?

I urge you to visit Lise's blog: http://www.liseslogcabinlife.com/2014/03/canning-mandarin-oranges.html

for a lovely photo essay on how to can mandarin oranges. I'd never have thought of such.But I don't can anything.

Lise is quite a photographer. I feel I could reach out and taste one of those oranges. I have a big problem! I can't comment on Lise's blog because my Windows 8 computer tells me something is wrong with Cookies, etc,. and I follow their directions to do all they say I should do, but still I get that same error message every time I try to leave a comment.
Makes me mad!
So I am leaving a comment here on my blog today. Lise does a great job posting about her life in the mountains and using her camera to take us on a visual tour with every new article. 


  1. I'm honored Glenda, thank you so much for this shout out! Next time I see you I'll bring you a jar. They are delicious--the light syrup lets the sweet fruit flavor sing! The only drawback is they still have seeds, so there might be a little spittin' goin' on!

  2. I had to laugh at your title, since I read it as "Did you see how to can make oranges into mandarins?" The word "can" is a very slippery word. I read it with "mandarin" as the verb. :-)

  3. Can is a slippery word, DJan. I thought when I read the title that it was not easy to read.
    Lise, I'd love to have some of those canned oranges. I enjoy oranges and your finished product makes my mouth water.


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