Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Play Day

As I try to learn how to play again, I have to find friends who will have fun with me. I have been so busy, I let my work take the place of being with friends. Saturday my neighbor, Dot James, and I went to Sylva, a nice little town in western NC with the most impressive courthouse you will ever see. It sits up on a hill and can be seen for miles. At night with the lights on the building, it is even more beautiful.

We ate at the City Lights restaurant downstairs from City Lights bookstore. Chris, the man who owns and manages the book store that seems to thrive when all the other bookstores are falling away, is a friendly and kind man. I love to shop in that store. He still has tons of books, many, many regional books, and even a section of used books. The big all purpose room in back is perfect for programs and readings. Chris keeps something going there almost all the time. I would like to hold those type events in my county, but if I start that, I'll not have time to go play with my friends.

Soon I will get together with some special friends who were first my students. One of them is Ash Rothlein, WWII veteran, who is busy working on a mission to benefit other veterans of that war.
I'll post more about Ash later.

Anyway, I think I will play some more tomorrow. I will attend a movie I heard was good. I surely hope it will be.

How about you? Are you finding time to play?


  1. I certainly am. Today I will play in the mountains with my friends, even if it rains. I'll be prepared and ready for adventure. Glad you are taking the time to play, too.

  2. It is so nice to meet you via my blog. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment re Sacred Harp singing. Are you a friend of Brenda Kay Ledford - she is a blog friend and I believe she lives in your same area.
    Wishing you a nice day.


  3. So....did you climb those courthouse steps? Doug and I did when we were there recently!

  4. You're a better man than I and I don't think I could ever have climbed all those steps. I just admire it from afar.

  5. Blackberry Lane,
    I found your blog on Brenda Kay's blog. Yes, she is a friend of mine. Thanks for visiting here. Come back soon.

  6. DJan, I know you know how to play. And you are still young enough and healthy enough to do so. Good for you.
    I hope you had a wonderful day in the mountains.


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