Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Most of my friends in Hayesville and surrounding area know about Rebecca. She is the young woman, a former writing student, who came to live with me this past winter. It was a delightful time for me and she says she enjoyed being here.
Now is the time for her next adventure. She will soon be walking the Camino in Spain. That is a 500 mile trek over the Pyrennes Mountains. She has been walking and walking, getting in shape for this strenuous trip.
Rebecca has a blog, https://renaissancerebecca.wordpress.com/and she has posted of many of her experiences this past year.
She has now been offered a paycheck from a widely read website if she will post about her experiences on the Camino. 
This takes me back to 2007 when I first learned about blogging in a class at the NCWN fall conference. On the stage was a man who set up a blog in order to let his mother follow his travels through India. Little did he know that his travels were also being followed by a publisher who would eventually buy the rights to these posts and publish them in a travel book.

I hope that Rebecca's deal will work out even better for her. To follow her blog, click on  https://renaissancerebecca.wordpress.com/
She is a woman of perseverance, courage, and adventure. I can't wait  to read her blog to see how she is handling the trip.
Put her blog on your favorite sites and follow her through her travels this year.


  1. I saw the movie "The Way" and loved it. It's a story about four people on the Camino and how it changed them. I'll go and visit Rebecca's website. Thank you for alerting me to her adventure.

  2. Djan, I read about a movie with Martin Sheen and the Camino. Is this the same one?

  3. Thanks for introducing me to Rebecca's blog, I've signed up! Another exciting and interesting life to follow:)


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