Writers Circle
Schedule of classes for summer of 2010
We have an excellent schedule of writing classes on the calendar for this spring and summer. Register early as class space is limited.
Tuesday, April 6 - Who are You and Why Do You Write? exercises from Spinning Words Into Gold by Maureen Ryan Griffin.
Mary Michelle Keller - Wednesdays, -May 19, May 26, June 2 -
10: a.m. - 12:00 - $40 for the series -- mmkeller@brmemc.net
Writing your ancestors’ stories
There are stories waiting to be told. They are the stories of your ancestors. Michelle (Mary Mike) Keller will teach a class on how to find those stories and flesh out your ancestors to make them real people. Writing skills and an introduction to genealogy research will be covered.
William Reynolds -
Saturday June 12, 2010 - Self Publishing - $30 - All handouts furnished. .
Rosemary Royston -
Saturday June 19 - 10 - 1:00 p.m. - Space, Time and Tone: The Power of Humor in Contemporary Poetry. This class will examine how humor in poetry allows the poet to go into unexpected territories, allowing for both release and examination of sensitive issues.
$30.00 and all handouts are provided.
Glenda Beall -
Tuesday, June, 8 9:30 - 1:00 – "I want to write but more than that I want to bring out all kinds of things that lie buried deep in my heart." Anne Frank
Handouts provided.
Estelle Rice
Wednesday, June 23 - 10 - 2:00 – Fact –in – Fiction
We will break for lunch – bring a sandwich – coffee and water provided
Estelle Rice, instructor
Saturday, July 17 - 10:30 - 1:30 - Writing That Wells From Within
Glenda Beall -Tuesday, July 20 - 9:30 - 1:00 p.m. – The When and Where of Writing
Glenda Beall - Tuesday, August 24 - 9:30 - 1:00 p.m. - TBA
To learn more, contact me at gbeall500@gmail.com.
I will send you directions and answer any questions you might have. Call me at 828-389-4441.
I'll be happy to place your name on my mailing list for future schedule of classes.
Words from a Reader
The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.
Can't wait to see how wonderful the class turns out-I know it will!!
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying JCCFS and I know our Writers Circle group will be just as much fun.
Hi Glenda, I would like to have more information and will tell Bea about this class. Sounds great. Karen