Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Senior Adults Have Stories to Tell

From left: Ginny, Ash, Nadine, students from one of my classes.

At present I am working on a writing studio downstairs at my house. Here I hope to hold writing classes. I have a couple of guest instructors lined up already.
Changing Barry's Bull Dog room to a writing studio means covering the red walls with a cool and comforting color, sending the 12 year old leather recliner out to live with someone else, and tossing out tons of paper, giving away cassette recordings, books, and some of the Georgia memorabilia. I could only give the Georgia keepsakes to family and our great nephews were happy to have DAWG stuff.
Some of the classes planned are: Stirring Up Memories, Focus Down, and How to Give a Good Reading. We've had requests for a class on Publishing and Marketing Your Work.

Life changes and we must change with it, it seems. Looking forward and setting goals for the future is my way of continuing to find purpose in life.
My goal is to have our first class in April, 2010. Much has to be done before then, but I feel sure we can make this goal.

More and more I see classes in other areas of the country for senior adults who want to write about their lives. It is such a joy for me to help people like Ash Rothlein, 85,  who has  written several pieces about serving in World War II. Now he tells me one of his stories has been accepted by a large Jewish magazine in New York.  He is bustin' his buttons he is so happy.
I am so proud of him!!!


  1. I know some amazing teaching is going to take place in that room : )

  2. I hope you will help do some of that amazing teaching, Tipper. You have so much talent and I hope you will share it in my presence.


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