Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Photos for my book

Finishing Line Press has accepted my poetry chapbook for publication and I expect it to be released in November. I had not realized the responsibilities of the author after the acceptance. First I had to have some photos of ME for the book. BB is an excellent photographer but his photos of me in recent years are not, shall we say, flattering. I am fortunate to have a great hairdresser who moonlights as a photographer.Her name is Valoree Luhr and she lives in Hayesville, NC. Thank you, Valoree. My picture is just what I wanted.I was told today that I look younger in this photo. Now that is what everyone wants to hear.

Another deadline looms on April 30. I need a cover photo. Again, I am most fortunate to have a great friend in Mary Michelle Keller, or Mike, as I call her. Mike is an accomplished artist among other things. I knew what I wanted but Mike combined two photos, an old one with a new one, using Photoshop Elements and BB and I were amazed with her work. In order to have more than one choice for the publisher, another photo was made today, in the exact right spot, at the exact right time for the shadows to enhance the image.

You will get to see these photos when the book comes out.


  1. Glenda,

    I can hardly wait to read your book. Congratulations! It's an exciting time to publish your book.

  2. Your photo is just stunning Glenda!!! I can't wait to see your Chapbook, I know it will be something special. Cheers!!

  3. Thanks, Brenda and Pat,
    I hope I get everything in on time and that it will turn out as nicely as Brendas, Glendas, and Mary's and Janice's books.
    You all encourage me so much and I appreciate it.

  4. I love the photo, Glenda, and can't wait to see the ones for the cover. You are lucky to have two creative friends who are generous with their talents. But then they are lucky to have you as a friend.


I really appreciate your comments, and I love reading what you say.