Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The SAGE Project - Older folks tell their stories

A few months ago I was sent an email regarding the publishing of a book on advice from mature writers for younger folks who might enjoy hearing how we did it. John Curtis is the man behind the idea. This will not be a book that preaches but will be a book that informs and inspires through the personal experiences of older people who have faced the same challenges most people face in their lives. Read about this book and click on the website to learn how to sign on as a co-author. Several writers I know have begun writing their contributions for this book.

SAGE Advice for Life book looking for wisdom, writers!
The SAGE Advice for Life book is one step closer to reality. So far,
20 folks have committed to be contributors to a book of SAGE
advice. If you'd like to: 

• Co-author a groundbreaking book of SAGE advice; 

• Leave a legacy for your children, and children’s children; 

• Record your wisdom, common sense and life experience; 

• Do something positive to make America better; 

• Earn some money. 

Then, perhaps, becoming a co-author is right for you.
The book will be an anthology compiling the wisdom of authors
who submit their SAGE advice to any or all of these proposed

1. Teenagers & young adults 

2. Cohabiting Couples and newlyweds 

3. New parents, single parents and step-parents 

4. Careers and work-life balance 

5. Parenting teenagers and adult children 

6. Mature marriage and empty-nesters 

7. Transitioning to retirement 

8. Coping with loss 

9. Simply, happy, healthy aging 

10. Life management skills 

11. Self-discovery and rites of passage 

Please note, if you’re curious about the book, please visit
Scroll to the bottom
of the Web page where you will find a sign up form including a
place to indicate which chapters are of interest to you.
Remember, there is no cost or obligation to sign up. 

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.
John Curtis, Ph.D.
Waynesville, NC 28786

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