Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Friday, March 1, 2019

My Favorite Method of Exercise

I have loved to dance since I was a teen and I still do, but not in public now. Recently a blogger I read wrote about dancing and how it helps her through the bad times.

I am not much for exercise these days since I have to deal with pain in my leg and hip, but dancing was one of my favorite ways to exercise. My sister goes to line dancing every week. That would be a fun way to get my blood flowing but I must put that on hold until later.

I will try water exercises again. With physical therapy and water exercises, I think I will see some good results.

Last summer I went to the pool in a nearby town twice a week. It was warm and felt so good. I never stopped moving while there. I know I felt better and was much more mobile than I am now.

Why can we exercise in water with no pain when walking on the ground brings on the aching hips and feet?

Water walking can help correct muscle imbalances. Walking on land emphasizes the muscles in the front and back of your thighs. Walking in water works your upper body equally as hard as your lower body because water gives all your submerged muscles 12 to 14 times the resistance of air.

Exercise in water compared to that of land burns more fat, helps you build stronger muscles, and is very effective in burning off calories.

A cousin older than I, but much more active, went to the pool to exercise and slipped on the wet floor. Sadly, she hit her head and died within the next 24 hours. That has made me think hard about going to the pool at this time. Because of my hip and leg problems, I feel my balance is not what it should be. So I am concerned about slipping on the wet floor in the dressing room at the pool. But I will go back because I need to build more muscle. 

Wish we had a heated pool in Hayesville. With all the retirees who live here and more are expected to move here in the near future, our community really needs a place for us to do water exercise. 
Do you ever exercise in water and how do you like it?


  1. If I have a decent pool, I like to swim laps. A friend of mine does water walking and loves it. Makes her very sore, she says. :-)

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  3. I have a problem with the ….cold. As a child I was on the swim team every summer, and my freshman year of college of was a breaststroker for the team. But I HATED going into that cold water. However, a few years ago I did try some swimming physical therapy, and I saw what great exercise it was. B U T I was still cold. So now, here in NE where it is snowing as I type, I go to dance classes several times a week. In the summer I walk for miles at a time. These things keep my muscles strong and my balance active. I hope you can start soon in the pool (because it IS great exercise) and then move on to walking - the best exercise in the world.

  4. I participate in water exercise classes at the YMCA. I wear water shoes with good treads which prevents me from slipping on wet floors, and I walk carefully through the locker ⠗⠕⠕⠍ and pool area. You're just as likely to slip on a wet floor as you are to get run over by a car while crossing a street, so don't let that stop you. Enjoy!

  5. I know DJan that you are a hiker and that you would swim laps because you are so athletic. Just walking in the water is good for me but I do like to float and hang on to a float and dangle in the water.

  6. Abbie you are young and I'm sure have your balance, but I am having some real problems with balance lately. I went to a new PT today and I was so impressed with her. I think she is going to really help me. Also, I am seeing a chiropractor/neurologist who knows her stuff. She is working on my balance problems and already I can tell I am better.
    I wear water shoes, too. I wouldn't dare go to the pool without them.I'm glad you participate in water exercises. Being a writer, like me, you probably sit too much so going to the pool and moving is great.

  7. Hi roughwighting, thanks for stopping by. Yes,walking is the best. My 90 year old brother walks two miles every day. I have lumbar stenosis and that affects my legs and my feet. Lots of pain but I keep going. I walked my dog this week and that was a good thing. Our weather is too bad to go outside. We have so much rain this year and now all the beautiful trees are blooming but not for long. Tomorrow we get a hard freeze and they will all be gone.


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