Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Love in the air this weekend. No bad news for me.

Like many Americans I watched most of the Royal Wedding this weekend. How nice to watch love instead of hate, to watch crowds without worrying if someone would be shot, and once again the civility of the people in the UK impressed me. They don't allow guns in England. Maybe that is why everyone seemed so relaxed and happy.

I did not spend all weekend watching TV and finally got tired of seeing the same scenes repeated. I felt like I was watching a movie with two lovely main characters who would live happily ever after. I hope that is true because they seem like genuinely good people. Refreshing. Too much of what we see on TV today is angry, mean-spirited men and women who widen the chasm between us. While Americans for the most part are simply going to work and trying to raise their children and keep them safe, even in small towns like mine, the rhetoric goes one.

I decided to skip the Sunday news shows and, instead, I went out for breakfast. Back home, I continued my ongoing de-cluttering by emptying a box of papers, sorting the recyclables and the trash.

Although it is difficult to stand in the kitchen for long, I cooked citrus salmon for my dinner. It
is easy to fix and I don't need much with it.

Having not watched the bad news today, I am more relaxed than I've been in a while. I am sure I will sleep well and that is very important to healing.

Stress is bad for us so I am taking breaks to rest and breathe. I can't fix the nation's problems. I can only vote to voice my opinion now. If I were middle aged, I expect I'd be more vocal. For now, I think I will concentrate on things I enjoy doing and some things I must do for my health.

I just talked for an hour with my brother. We always laugh together. He is amazing. Nearly 90 years old and still walks 2 miles every day. I think he handles stress very well.

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  1. I avoid the news when I can - and ration the dose if I can't.
    Beauty and good feelings are at least as contagious as the opposite. I am glad you have your brother to talk with - and laugh with.

  2. I didn't even turn on the TV yesterday. Hubby might have watched something. I went to the movies yesterday and saw RBG about Ruth Bader Ginsberg. It was so very uplifting! :-)


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