Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Still time to submit to Kakalak 2014 before April 30

I was honored when my poem Scene from Yellowstone's Valiant Wild  was published in Kakalak 2009. Richard Taylor and Beth Cagle, editors and judges who publish the work of some of the best Carolina poets in their anthology were present at Poetry Day in Hickory NC today. I traveled from the "far west" of the state to take part in the third annual Poetry Day at Catawba Valley College where Scott Owens teaches and holds this event. 

Scott and Pat Riviere-Seel, poet from Asheville, NC, held workshops on Invention and Revision. I'll write more later but want to let all the poets know that Main Street Rag, which will publish the next issue of Kakalak, requests you submit poems now. You will be proud to be among those who are chosen for this anthology. 

Scott Douglas says, "The flood gates for the KAKALAK 2014 contest opened March 1, 2014 and so far only a trickle of North and South Carolina writers and photographers have entered. Everyone at Main Street Rag and the editors of Kakalak 2013 were very pleased with last year's turn out as well as the quality of the work KAKALAK 2013 featured. We want very much to continue offering this opportunity and continue to maintain and increase the quality of the work featured there, but it relies heavily on the support of the poets and photographers in the region. With an April 30 deadline, there is about 5 weeks remaining (as of the time of this posting) to enter. Guidelines and a live entry link can be found on the KAKALAK 2014 page. We hope all of our eligible friends in North and South Carolina will join us this time around."

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