Words from a Reader

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Veterans, War and Women in High Places

A special friend is veteran, Ash Rothlein, who served in World War II. His mission to honor those who died in that war, is moving along swiftly. I hope to join him and many others at the memorial service in June of 2014 for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. For five years Ash has devoted all his time to a mission that has evolved into far more than he had expected with cooperation from leaders of military organizations, government and other veterans. Nearing 90 years old, Ash has a soaring spirit and a big heart that overflows with love and gratitude for those who lost their lives so that we can all be free.

Veterans Day, which we observed recently, brings to mind those I know and those I love who served our country in war time.

One of my uncles served in World War I. Many of my cousins served in the army and navy during WWII. My brother, Ray Council, and brother-in-law, Stan Hunter also served. Cousins I never met were killed during that war. I observed the never-ending grief of their parents. 

Both my husband and my sister's husband served in the military during wartime. In our world, war is constant. In some land at this moment, men, women and children are being murdered, hacked to death, blown to pieces and being tortured for no reason. Most of them are caught in a battle not of their making.

As the holidays approach my heart aches for those who have lost young loved ones in the horror of war. Those young men and women will not have the life their mothers dreamed for them. I'll never forget seeing my parents' tears when my brother left home to serve in the military. I am forever grateful that he survived his military years.

I believe if we had more women in government, not only in this country, but in other countries around the globe, there would be more use of diplomacy instead of arms to settle disputes.

Former US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, believes that more female leaders included with the men who make major decisions affect the outcomes in very positive ways.
See her talk  at TEDtalks.com.

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Women are much less inclined to go to war. I naively believed when I was a young woman that I might live to see a world without war. And it's only increased. I'm going to watch that TED talk. Thanks! :-)


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