Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Common Grammar Mistakes You Hear in My Classes

I enjoy newsletters I subscribe to and Dana Cassells' is one of them. In a recent letter she listed the following link for writers.

Copyblogger has a good listing of common mistakes we writers make on our submissions. Many of them we talk about in my writing classes. If you are one of my students or former students, see which of these you have heard before.
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  1. Thanks for this link Glenda. It will be very useful for writing as well as for proofreading.

  2. Hi Glenda,

    Details, details. I agree. If the writing is clean, we get more out of the content.

    Thanks for posting this.

  3. Hi Sam and Susan,
    Thanks for your comments. We hear more and more about the poor quality of books being published today - self published books without proper editing.
    We do have to take care of the details when we go to print a book for others to read. Has self publishing made it too easy to get books out on the shelves? Are authors rushing to get books out when they should take time to be sure the books don't have grammatical mistakes, errors in punctuation, and other things that the writer can learn by taking a few writing courses.

  4. These links for writers sound great, Glenda. I'll check these out. Sometimes it's good to know sources to check your grammar. It's easy to make mistakes.

  5. Brenda, thanks for your comment. At the Table Rock Writers Workshop, Darnell Arnoult spent a good bit of time going over mistakes she had seen in submitted manuscripts. Also, when we sumbit our work, we might check first to see if the publication uses a particular style of writing such as Chicago style. Being a journalist,I'm sure you know about these things.


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