Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Laura Council is being sought by Sarah D. in Jacksonville, FL

It was good to hear from Sarah of Jacksonville who ordered a copy of Profiles and Pedigrees, Charles Thomas Council and his descendants. Sarah was asking about Laura Council, a relative of Charles Thomas and also of John Cecil Council, (right)
In the back of Profiles and Pedigrees is a genealogical chart of the descendants of John Cecil Council, my great grandfather, an early pioneer of north Florida. I must confess that this chart has not been verified but is a compilation of family group sheets sent to me by various members of the Council family.
I think, however, Sarah will find Laura on this chart and will be able to answer her questions.
Genealogy is one of the most interesting hobbies and one of the most time consuming as well. Researching families is like working on a jigsaw puzzle. You find one little piece that fits and then you become obsessed with finding the next and the next.
Mary Mike Keller, distant cousin, but close friend, has discovered her ancestors from many centuries back, and she will teach a class for Writers Circle, my new interprise, in May, in which she will teach genealogy and writing about ancestors. I hope anyone in the area of Hayesville, NC will come and take part in this class. It should be a good one.
And, Sarah D., your book will be in the mail Monday.

(Valoree Luhr did some fantastic photoshop work on the photo of John Cecil Council, above. The original had a bad crease in the middle of his forhead and his face. Thanks Valoree.)

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