Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Love for Horses started early

My Father's Horse 
by Glenda Council Beall

Stickers tear my legs, bare and tan 
from summer sun. Long black braids 
fly behind me as I sprint like a Derby winner 
down the path. 

Harnessed with hames, bridle and blinders, 
Charlie plods along the farm road. 
Tired and wet with sweat, he is perfume 
to my nostrils. My father swings me up. 

I bury my hands in tangled mane. 
My thighs stick to leather 
and damp white hair 
high above the ground.

I want to sing in glorious joy, 
but only croon a child's nonsensical 
tune, grinning for a hundred yards 
between field and barn. 

 My father's arms are strong.
His hands are gentle. 
The horse is all we ever share. 
For he has sons, and I am just a daughter.


  1. Glenda-your words are so powerful and in such perfect creative order-that is seems I can see you and your father riding the horse as plain as day.

  2. Great poem--very visual, as always!
    I also share your knowledge that your father was closer to his sons. Mine was, also, to his son. I am the 2nd of 3 daughters. Years later, I am the favorite child! Who knew?


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