Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Good Friends Give Time

What a great help my niece, Lyn (above)and her friend, Mary, were to me today.

Bright and early they arrived to help me de-clutter my house and organize a garage sale for next Saturday, June 6. All the dusty boxes still taped shut from our move here fourteen years ago, were lifted down from shelves I'd not been able to reach in years. Before they stopped, these women had everything organized into groups - Art Supplies, Books, kitchen stuff, and on and on. We realized I needed more table space. Lyn will drive up from south of Atlanta next Friday to bring a tent to display some of my treasures.

Also on Friday, Gay and Stu, my dear sister and her husband, plan to come and help put the finishing touches on my sale. Another good friend Debbie Graham is coming tomorrow afternoon to help me mark prices. She fell last week and has a broken nose and a fractured arm, but she will be here to help.

When we feel we have more than we can handle, we are amazed at the love we find from others. In a world where we only hear the bad on the TV news, I am so happy to know we have many more good people than bad.
Our dear friend, Richard Clarke, came from Cleveland last Friday, an hour's drive, and drove Barry to his physical therapy because I had another appointment that day.
Those are the real friends - the ones who give their time for a burned out caregiver and an ailing buddy. How precious are those people and I know we have others who will do as much. God is good and he made good people.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that Lyn and Mary were able to help, and how sweet that she is going to come up next week to help again. I was wondering who took Barry to PT...Dick and LInda ARE good friends, aren't they? Yes, you are blessed with many who love you, and we are all blessed to have you in our world.
    My love, Gay


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