Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stu Moring, family, friend, and fun

Who is the CAT IN THE HAT? No, it isn't Dr. Zeus. It is the Public Works Director of Roswell, Georgia. Most importantly, to me, he is husband to my sister, Gay. Stu is a part of a project of the Kiwanis club called "Roswell Read-In" where members and city officials read to kids in the library at the schools. This program is sponsored by Kiwanis.

I adore the above photo of this man who manages large projects and leads many employees who respect and enjoy working for him. He has won numerous awards. We attended a special ceremony last year. Stu was selected from candidates all over the United States as one of the top ten public works directors in the country. What an honor!

But what I love best about him is his joyous attitude, his enthusiasm, his genuine caring for those near him. His tender heart is as big as the circle of people who know and appreciate him. That is a big heart!
And he is fun. At Christmas, Stu is the official Santa. That has been a long, long tradition in our family. Some years ago when we lived in the same city, I enjoyed watching him in community stage plays. He sings, acts, and tells funny stories. He and Gay are big fans of live theatre. Thanks to those two, BB and I have seen some excellent productions in Atlanta.

His sport is running. He ran a marathon just a few years ago and he runs in the Peachtree Road Race almost every year. Running helps relieve stress, he says, and his job is packed with it.

I wasn't surprised to see Stu Moring sitting with kids and reading Dr. Zeus. When he is not working for the city, he is often working for Fulton County Charities, his church or another organization that helps the people in his community. He used to read for the blind. Maybe he still does that. I can't keep up and he seldom talks about his volunteer work.

While the country is trembling in fear of what will happen to us with the bad economy, Stu and Gay will hold out a helping hand. They believe in paying it forward.

In 2006 Gay met a woman who struck her as a person who could get back on her feet with some help. She wanted to help this Katrina victim who was losing her flooded home in New Orleans.
Gay and Stu put together a list of everyone they knew, wrote letters and asked everyone they knew to donate a small amount each month. People responded just like the Morings did, with generous hearts. That fund helped save this family from homelessness. Gay kept donors informed of the family's progress for over a year.
Good people seldom make the news these days. Bad people are on our TV screens, front page of magazines and newspapers, and bad news permeates our media. We all know of people like Stu and Gay who reach out to help others.
Wouldn't it be great if we had a page in each newspaper headed: Good News and Good People? If we did, I am sure the Morings would make the news.

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