Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Charge! On to Victory Over Cancer

My first day of a new class begins at 9:30 AM tomorrow and I have had no ability to focus on my lesson plans. I will be winging it, and hope I am awake enough to get my mind off radiation and the questions for the oncologist I typed up and lost. We meet tomorrow afternoon. Decisions must be made. I wanted to be prepared.
I've started another chapter on my life - a turning point has occurred and I will make a new folder to fill with the stories about the time my husband was diagnosed with lymphoma, the horror of dealing with the medical world while in shock and with my mind breaking into shards like a splintered window. I can't see where I'm going and don't know what I'll find when I get there.
I've gone through the stage of anger, bitterness, and now I'm beginning to accept what we cannot change. Just like the loss of a loved one, the diagnosis brings on the stages of grief even though no one has died.
After falling apart every day for weeks, I've pulled myself out of the grip of terror, and I'm now facing the Beast with my sword in my hands. I'm ready for the fight. Together for forty-four years, we can't let a year of radiation and chemo destroy us. We will come out of this challenge stronger and closer than we've ever been.
Bring on the Beast! He is no match for us. We have come to win.


  1. Oh Glenda, I'm so sorry about the ordeal you both are having to trudge through. Me and the girls will certainly be praying for you both. Sounds like you have a determined outlook-which is good.

    2 sites I thought you might be interested in http://hillcountryofmonroecountry.blogspot.com/ it is a geneologist site-he always has neat links and you can join his group HOGS.

    http://publicprofiler.org/worldnames/Main.aspx a neat site that will show you where your surname came from and where the largest concentration of folks with that surname are living today.

    If there is anything I could do to help you-I'd be glad too!

  2. Tipper, you are such a dear person. You have been so supportive during this past year and I hope you will continue to read my blog and www.netwestwritrs.blogspot.com.
    I'll check out the sites you gave me.


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