Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Animal stories--seems everyone has one. What about you?

My life has been busy the past few weeks. Our NCWN-West website was down and it took forever to get it back up. I was on the computer for hours. Shipping books to fill orders kept me running to the post office as well.

My co-writer, Estelle Rice and I held a book signing at the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville, NC last Sunday, October 14. Estelle and her husband attended this church for many years and she is still a member. I knew she was loved, but was not prepared for all the men and women who crowded around her, hugging and kissing her over and over.

We were delighted at the animal lovers who could not wait to get their copies of Paws, Claws, Hooves, Feathers and Fins. One person stood counting on her fingers how many books she was going to purchase for gifts. She ended up with seven copies.

I enjoyed hearing the stories and seeing photos of pets of those who wanted our book. I was especially happy when Carol S. , one of the first to buy our book, bought another book to give to her friend.

One day this week, my dear brother-in-law, Charlie, called and told me how much he enjoyed the book I sent to him. He had a suggestion I might consider one day. Charlie said we should call this the first volume of Paws, Claws, Hooves, Feathers and Fins and then do a second and a third book using stories of other people who love their pets. What a neat idea, but not right now. I am overwhelmed with work for NCWN-West and for myself.

What do you think, dear readers? Would you have a story to offer if we do another book about animals we love? Charlie, who has a dog he loves dearly, said he had three stories he could tell me.
My friend, Linda, once had a huge rabbit named Studley. Today she told me some great stories about him. He was quite a character.

Of course, I have many more stories that did not go into this book that I could include in the next book. Just an idea, but fun to contemplate. I did not even include my beloved horse, Pretty Thing, who was with me thirty years. Linda said she really likes the color pictures in the book. I, too, think they made a big impact.

 This week, I will celebrate my birthday with Gay and Stu, my sister and BIL. And they will celebrate Paws and Claws, etc. with a book party for me on Tuesday. I will read and speak on writing  and sign for those who want to take a book  home. I look forward to that.  Gay and Stu are so supportive of me and I love them very much. I am blessed indeed.

Have a good week. If you live in my area, come to Writers Night Out in Blairsville, GA on November 9 when Estelle and I will read from our book.


  1. Lots to celebrate for you at the moment, which is lovely.
    And yes, many of the animals I have shared my life with have given rise to stories. And love.

  2. I'm glad your event to promote Paws and Claws was successful. I don't have any pets, but I could certainly write stories about the dogs and cats that were in my family when I was growing up and even in my adult years.

    Another anthology would be a great ⠊⠙⠑⠁⠲ Is the first one available on Kindle by any chance?

  3. Abbie, I hope to have our book on Kindle later on, but for now it is only available from the authors. You can order by sending a check for $19 including shipping, to PO Box 843, Hayesville, NC 28904.
    We offer discount on four or more books
    If we do another book in a year or two, I hope you can submit something.

  4. EC, I have a feeling you have some good stories. Thanks for your comment.

  5. I think everyone who loves animals must have a few of these stories. I know I do! And congratulations on such a successful book launch! :-)


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