Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Writers Circle - Where writers will feel at home.

April is almost here and my new studio is almost ready for visitors. We will hold the first class on Tuesday, April 6, at 10:00 a.m. New tables and chairs are in place for the students. My carpenter promised me he would be back to exchange an overhead lighting fixture and to replace the pet door panel that has outlived one dog but is about to be dumped into the trash. That pet door is an eyesore in my otherwise lovely room. The old carpet has been torn out and new wood flooring brightens up the place.

Mary Mike is making curtains and a table cover for the studio. I spent yesterday dusting off books and replacing them in categories on my bookshelves. My biggest treasure find while remodeling is the folding screen I have set up to divide my office from the classroom. I'll make a photo of it and share it with you.

"Who are You and Why do You Write" is the title of the first class. I'll teach at least one class per month  throughout the spring and summer. Guest instructors will teach, also. On Saturdays we'll offer poetry classes and self publishing classes as well as Spiritual Writing and creative writing.
Rosemary Royston will teach a class on Humor in Poetry. She writes delightful poems, and I look forward to sitting in on that session.
Mary Mike Keller will teach a three session course including genealogy with writing about ancestors. That's a subject I love, also.
Estelle Rice, author of a poetry chapbook, Quiet Times, will also teach a class for Writers Circle, the name of my studio and the name of the writing program.
Joyfully, I look toward a new beginning - teaching, taking classes with other writers, working with instructors, and meeting many new and interesting people.

If you live in the area of Ashville, NC, be sure to put June 4 and 5 on your calendar for the Blue Ridge Bookfest. I'll be there and we hope to have our anthology done and on display by then.

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