Words from a Reader

The “Writing Life Stories” e-mails I receive are such treasures. As soon as I see there is one in my inbox, I read it immediately. I look forward to them and never know how they will touch me. They can be interesting, informative, humorous, and/or touching.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Barry's Last Christmas - 2008

Althought he was not his usual jolly self, cracking jokes, or teasing Will, I never expected it to be his last Christmas. It was not a good time for him. He was in pain and already the cancer was coming back strong. But we didn't know it at that time. My sadness last December was because he suffered and I didn't know how long that might be. Christmas gifts seemed insignificant last year. But this photo of him is very significant to me. I know why isn't smiling, why his eyes are sad. I'd seen that look in my brother's eyes and I hurt when I think of the pain he suffered in silence.


  1. Glenda, it's hard to be in pain and ill when everyone around you is jolly and in good spirits. Suffering in silence - what a brave thing to do. Tears are streaming down my face reading this. Some things in life aren't for sissies.

  2. Glenda,
    That is why they say a picture is worth a thousand years. Brave man, he tried to hang in for you.
    Remember the love at this time of year. It will always be there.
    Merry Christmas, may we have a better year in 2010.

  3. Hi Sam and Joan,
    Yes, he was a brave man and he wanted to protect me as much as possible from the pain he suffered.
    But, in the end,he needed me to help him and he let me know he needed me. I am grateful I was there.

  4. I'm sorry. Wishing I could make it go away. I do think he would be pleased and proud at your plans for the future. I miss him too.

  5. Thanks, Tipper. I know you miss him, too. Christmas without him this year was tough, but I got through another "first" and now I can go on.
    His spirit was with us and will always be.


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